National Foot Drop Awareness Day takes place on the 20th September 2024.


Please help us raise awareness of Foot Drop by contacting us if you are interested in:

Sharing Your Personal Story

Sharing Your Professional Knowledge 


We will then share this information via our website and social media networks so that together we can raise awareness of Foot Drop.



Then on the 20th September 2024, we have one request!

And that is to share our awareness post on social media with the tag #nationalfootdropawarenessday



Share your story

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We are looking for personal stories that we can share via social media about Foot Drop.

Click the link below to find out more.

Share your Professional Knowledge

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We are looking for Professionals to help write articles and share knowledge about Foot Drop.

Click the link below to find out more.

Create Awareness on Social Media

Please follow us on social media and help spread the word about Foot Drop.

Facebook - @nationalfootdropawareness

Twitter - @FDropAwareness

Instagram - nationalfootdropawareness


More about Foot Drop - Treatment Options

Click here